𖠰 20% automatic discount on all collections except OCEAN

The perfect time to shop your favourites

BLACK FRIDAY WEEK: Shop now with 40-60% off for all our handmade nautical bracelets, necklaces and key-rings!

BLACK FRIDAY WEEK: Shop now with 40-60% off for all our handmade nautical bracelets, necklaces and key-rings!

BLACK FRIDAY WEEK is ON! Shop now and save 40-60% for all the cool handmade nautical bracelets in our online store!

All the items in our shop are reduced with 40, 50 or even 60%, only from 20.11. to 26.11.2017. This is our biggest sale yet, so do not miss it! It is also the perfect chance to do some early Christmas shopping and get cool presents for family and friends (and for yourself, of course :)

So start making your shopping list, and get on our website early on the week, to make sure the items you want will not be out-of-stock by the time you come looking for them. 

Black Friday 2017. Crnog Petka 2017. Break Time Croatia.

Iskoristi fenomenalna sniženja u sklopu tjedna CRNOG PETKA! Šopingiraj sada i uživaj u popustima od 40 do čak 60% na našem online dućanu na sve ručno izrađene cool nautičke narukvice! Kupi ih za sebe ili kao poklon svojim najmilijima!

Požuri, jer najveća rasprodaja ove godine završava 26.11.2017.